Why did humans initially start to hide their privates from other humans? I'm surprised by the lack of context and history in the answers so far. Most of the answers are assuming that shame of the naked body has been universal across all of civilization, when that could not be farther from the truth. Tl;Dr: gymnophobia is a learned, cultural phenomenon that is relatively recent. Nudity was much more common in a world without an abundance of privacy and excess clothing, and so we originally invented clothing out of practicality, rather than shame. Now, some context. Stone tools were invented and used about 2.5 million years ago. Ancestors began hunting meat and foraging farther, requiring more walking. This caused an excess of internal heat to build up, sweat glands to evolve further, and hairlessness to develop. Therefore, nudity was “invented" by approx. 1.5 million years ago. Edit: some people have pointed out that this is only one theory among many as to why we became hair...
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